Thursday, May 21, 2020

Technology And Civil Practices Of The Middle Eastern...

War is defined by the Webster dictionary as â€Å"a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations†, this definition does not apply to the current war in Afghanistan. This war has been one of the most controversial wars in United States history,with one of the biggest issues being how Afghanistan is being effected since it is not a part of the war as much as a platform where it is taking place. For all the confusion, destruction, and loss during a war there is a bright side in the unification and advancement of both technology and civil practices. This war has been no different in the fact that technology has advanced exponentially, and the world has begun to truly understand the customs and practices of the Middle Eastern States. The improvement of technology has allowed the building of better agricultural equipment, which has in turn given rise to better agricultural practices. Another thing that has changed both with a change in personne l and a change in policies is the government of Afghanistan. The main driving force for the change being seen is by the young people of Afghanistan who want the culture to evolve in a more global manor. When all of these changes are looked at as a whole instead of individually there is a clear trends that shows the growing economy of Afghanistan increasing at the highest rate in 100 years. This paper will explore all of the issues and outcomes stated above using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of culture andShow MoreRelatedThe Middle East1661 Words   |  7 Pages18th centuries in the Middle East were periods marked by severe financial crisis, increased decentralization, and stronger external control by western nations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great War And Its Effects On World War I - 1341 Words

All people are drawn to why events occur, particularly the adversities of life. Corinthians 13:12 says, â€Å"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.†(Holy Bible, NIV) Fortunately, even when tragedy strikes, God s sole interest is the good of his children. Therefore, we can find comfort in the chain of circumstances God has organized not only for our lives but also for the world. God deliberately envisioned each aspect of The Great War and its effects. World War I was caused by Alliances, which led to a hunger for peace and the demise of the â€Å"lost generation† due to PTSD. One primary cause of World War I was the opposing Alliances, The Central Powers and The Allies. Animosity between the nations of France and Germany began because Germany had seized land th at was previously owned by France. Germany recognized that France was ready to seek revenge. Therefore, on October of 1879, Germany and Austria-Hungary united to form a Dual Alliance declaring, â€Å"Should one of the High Contracting Parties be attacked by another Power, the other High Contracting Party binds itself hereby, not only not to support the aggressor against its high Ally, but to observe at least a benevolent neutral attitude towards its fellow Contracting Party.† ( Bismarck, theShow MoreRelatedThe Global Effects of Imperialism, World War I and the Great Depression1424 Words   |  6 PagesThe Global Effects of Imperialism, World War I and the Great Depression Bentley first talked about cross-cultural interactions as a way to categorize the World’s history. 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The outbreak of the Great War of 1914, also known as World War I, started with the assassination of Austria Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was shot to death by Gavrilo Princip (Columbia Southern University, (CSU), n.d.). The Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Great War was David George Lloyd (CSU, n.d.). World War1 was theRead MoreThe Museum Is A Great Education Tool Of World War I944 Words   |  4 PagesA museum is a great way to preserve items and history for the future generations to learn and gain knowledge of the past. Similarly, on my visit with the honor’s class to the National World War 1 Museum and Memorial at Kansas City, I gained a valuable knowledge about the World War 1. The overall message that the museum convey about the Great War was to remember and appreciate the soldiers, men and women who served in World War 1. 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What really set the tone for the start World War II was actually the effects World War I itselfRead MoreWar I And World War II1264 Words   |  6 Pages During any war, there will alwaAys be alliances made which stick even after the war has been dissolved. Postwar foreign policy after wars such as World War I and World War II was complicated and both had their similarities and differences from each other. World War I (WWI) strengthened our international relations with many countries, It also deteriorated some relations as well and set the stage for America becoming a great power. World War II (WWII) had some of the same effects, solidating ourRead MoreCause and Effect on World War 1 Essay743 Words   |  3 PagesCause and Effect on World War 1 World War One, a huge conflict that sparked in 1914 and lasting all the way until 1918. The war was between the world’s greatest powers as two opposing sides; the Central Powers and the Allies. It was a chain of events that had started this was which consist of key features such as imperialism, alliances, growth of militarism, crisis, and nationalism. It was the result of these accumulating factors that had eventually evoked war. The effects on World War One includedRead MoreThe Guns Of August And All Quiet On The Western Front1633 Words   |  7 PagesFirst World War took the world by storm; no person could have imagined the horrors and detriments the â€Å"Great War† would cause. Over a span of four years, millions of soldiers and civilians died. Children lost their parents, and wives, their husbands. So unprecedented was this type of vicious warfare that the countries involved were unprepared for one of the worst wars in history. Two books, The Guns of August an d All Quiet on the Western Front address and highlight major themes of World War I. The

Costco Case Study Free Essays

Christopher Gildea Ð ¡ostco Case Study Seminar: Â  Business Policy and Strategy Professor Gregory P. Grogan Abstract ?Costco, a discount warehouse based in Issaquah, Washington, specializes in selling quality products at low prices. The company operates as a membership retailer, focusing its business on small and consumers with incomes averaging $75,000 with over 30 percent having incomes of $100,000 or more annually. We will write a custom essay sample on Costco Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now The wholesale club segment of retailing in 2008 was estimated to be a $120 billion business in the United States, and it was growing about 20 percent faster than retailing as a whole (Thompson, 2010). The three main competitors were Costco Wholesale, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s Wholesale. Costco has a majority of the warehouse club sales across the United States and Canada and is looking to keep its edge. ?The pricing strategy that Costco has implemented, focuses on the price-sensitivity of its consumers. The company has excelled in keeping its prices low by capping the markup on its merchandise. By keeping the markup lower than its competitors, Costco has provided its customers with deep discounts on over 4000 products within its stores. Sam’s Club, which offers the same number of products within its stores, earns half the income that Costco does at each store. Costco sales are even higher per store than BJ’s, which offers 7,300 items compared to 4,000 items at Costco and Sam’s Club. Costco has been very efficient at utilizing its floor space and generating high revenues from it products within its stores. ?Costco is trying to generate huge sales volume and quick inventory turnover by applying a business model that offers limited selections of nationally branded product in wide range of merchandise categories. Costco apply number of operating excellence such as efficient way of managing inventory and just in time inventory, efficient distribution, minimum merchandise handling, and volume purchasing to reduce the price of its product. One of the major benefits of high sales volume and rapid inventory turnover is that they can sell their inventory and receive cash that can be used to pay its vendors and take the advantage of early-payment discounts. ?Even with the low price strategy, Costco employee salaries and benefits are by far higher than its competitors. This compensation has motivated it employees and retain good workers in turn, Costco gets lower turnover and higher productivity. Combined with a smart business strategy that sells a mix of higher-margin products to more affluent customers, Costco actually keeps its labor cost lower that its competitors as a percentage of sales (Ampel, 2004). They are also retaining more employees than any of their peers. ?Costco has strong ethics within its company, developing a motivating workplace for its employees to flourish within the company. They prefer to develop their employees within the company. When doing this, they have turned down outsiders who may be able to bring in new innovations that can propel the company further ahead of its competitors. New recruits and experienced businesspeople have been overlooked. As the world becomes more globalized, the company needs to look at intelligent outsiders who can have a significant impact on the company. The strategy they have in place deters the company from accepting outside viewpoints, which could bring greater profits. ?One of the major strategic drawbacks of Costco is that they only carry a selection of 4,000 types of merchandise. This is less than most of their competitors, and may cause major problems in the future because most customers want choices. Costco has ignored many of its customers’ requests to stock certain goods in order to only sell products that will sell quickly. Though there method has been very successful, the company should increase it products that they sell in its stores. This increase could be between 1000 to 1500 products with the store brand Kirkland involved. ?Costco has some other operational level problems that in some extent hinder the overall companywide effectiveness and goals achievement. For example, they don’t accept all kinds of credit card from the customers (only American Express); though it is done to minimize the cost of overall operation. Their competitors are capitalizing on use all major card cards. Since November 10, 2006, Sam’s Club began accepting payment via MasterCard credit cards. The results with MasterCard were favorable; company officials reported that in the week following the MasterCard acceptance, the average ticker checkout at Sam’s Club was up 35 percent (Thompson, 2010). To allow their customers the use of different payment options will ultimately bring ore sales. Conclusion ?It is never acceptable to simply do business the way it has always been done because the market changes, the industry evolves, and numerous other external factors make it absolutely necessary for a business to evolve to retain or gain market share. This is particularly important in the industry Costco is in. The company needs to focus on it customer n eeds, its future hiring/company growth, and opening up to different payments. With an improved strategy in place, Costco can continue to service its customers, while satisfying the needs of its shareholders. ? Reference: Ampel, F. J. (2004, Embracing costco-ization — unlike most big-box retailers, costco’s success is based on its high-quality service and superior product mix. Residential Systems, 5, 28-28. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/200686953? accountid=9997 BJ’s Wholesalers homepage, accessed at http://bjs. com on April 8, 2013 Costco homepage, accessed at http://costco. com on April 8, 2013 Sam’s Club homepage, accessed at http://samsclub. com on April 8, 2013 Thompson, A. A. , Strickland, A. J. , Gamble, J. E. (2010). Crafting and Executing Strategy. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 17th ed. How to cite Costco Case Study, Free Case study samples